Check out the Pastor’s messages on our new YouTube Channel


Morning Worship Service

During the school year, Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. and typically wraps up close to 11:30 a.m. (or shortly thereafter).

Services consist of a time of music, reading from God’s Word, prayer, and worship followed by a sermon delivered by the Pastor.

NOTE: Sermons are available on our YouTube channel. We have begun recording the sermons on Sunday and thus, if we have a guest speaker, their sermon will also be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.

Corporate worship is an important time where we can come together as God’s family and learn from His living Word and be encouraged by one another, in our walk with God. The Holy Bible is the authoritative source for all our spiritual learning and discernment.

Music is currently a hybrid of hymns and music accessed through YouTube.

Junior church is available during the latter part of the service for those in JK – Gr. 6, from September through June.  We are using the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum.

Adult Sunday School:  from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m., during the school year.  Pastor Oates is leading a study of the book of Romans.

Breakfast Sundays are held the last Sunday of each month, Sept. – Nov., & Jan. – Apr., and June, at 9 a.m.  (In May, the last Sunday is Anniversary Sunday, and we do a lunch, instead.)  The format is “pot blessing”, but come along anyway!  There is always lots!

Weekly Ministries:

Bible Study & Prayer:

All welcome!

Tuesday night Bible Study & Prayer Meeting at 7 – 8 p.m. is led by Pastor Oates.  The topic is discipleship.  Check our calendar (see the drop down menu at the top of the page) for any last-minute cancellations.  Check the calendar for start and end dates. In case of inclement weather, call the church to be sure the meeting is running.

Thursday morning Bible study at 10 – 11 a.m. Pastor Kevin Oates leads our study.  Check our calendar for the schedule, and for any last-minute cancellations. In case of inclement weather, call the church to be sure the Bible Study is running.

Kid’s Club – Awana (not currently running)

Other Ministries:

College and Careers – Not currently running


Friday Night Youth Activities: Not currently running

Check out the “Youth” page with information, when the ministry is active, again.

Young Adults Bible Study: 

Not currently running.

Ladies Fellowship

Typically we have meetings every second Saturday of the month, except for July and August.  Check the calendar (drop down menu at the top of the page) to be sure we haven’t switched weeks!

Check the calendar page for details about a particular meeting.

Vacation Bible Camp                           

July 7 – 11/25, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                       


 Cost: FREE           Age: entering SK – Gr. 8

Maximum number of children we’ll be able to register for VBC is 30.   

Free tshirt for those who register by May 1, as well as for any children new to our VBC.  REGISTRATION ISN’T COMPLETE UNTIL THE WAIVER IS SUBMITTED.                                         

Registration will close June 1.

Theme: Wonder Junction

Grab your bandanna and dust off your boots! We are headed west to Wonder Junction where kids will discover the wonder of who Jesus is.

They’ll marvel at the Creator of the universe who came to earth as a tiny baby and was laid in a feeding trough for animals, who grew up and began his ministry of healing people and demonstrating His power as God the Son, who gave His life in payment for sin, who conquered death, and who will return one day in power and glory. They will be encouraged to embrace the salvation Jesus offers and challenged to live for His glory as we wait for His return.


If you would like to register online, go to Goodwood Baptist Church | Digital Tools by Answers in Genesis  Our insurance company requires a signature, so if you register online you will need to sign (not fill out again) our printed waiver, when you register your child/ren on the first day of camp.


You may fill out a waiver (file is below). You may download the waiver and fill it out, take a picture of it, and email it to me (addy is on the waiver), or snail mail a hard copy to the church (283 Hwy 47, Goodwood, ON  L0C 1A0).  If you fill in the waiver by hand, please be sure your email address is legible, as I use that to send out details at the end of June about camp.

ANY time that you email me, unless you receive a confirmation email, don’t assume I got your email!   I will ALWAYS send a reply to ANY email you send. I sometimes get behind a few days in my email, and my inbox gets very full, so I do sometimes miss emails.  If I don’t respond as quickly as you need, or think I should, please resend your email, or call the church office and speak to Pastor Oates.  We will be away for a few weeks at the end of March/beginning of April, but I should have email access.

If you’re interested more specifically about our program, or how we teach, you are welcome to speak with myself or Pastor Oates.  In addition, there is detailed information near the top of the page, about the daily activities, at VBS 2025 – Vacation Bible School | Answers VBS  Or apply to become a worker!  Parents will not be onsite during the program this year, unless they are workers, or need to be there for medical reasons.  We have found that children integrate more effectively, and learn better, when they are more independent.

I’ll send a comprehensive email in late June with everything you need to know about VBC, but were afraid to ask!  😊  However, feel free to contact the Pastor or I at any time with questions.

Note that we offer a Counsellor-in-Training program for teens (Gr. 9 and up).  The forms are below, in case your teen is interested.  However, submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance, or acceptance into the position of their choice. Note that there is an application deadline.  Please read the covering letter, and complete the Worker App’n –  CIT, Worker App’n Summary, and Worker – CIT References.  The job descriptions and team leader responsibilites documents will be helpful to understand the various roles at VBC.


Waiver 2025      Waiver 2025, children 3 & 4

worker app’ns – covering letter     Worker app’n – ADULT       Worker App’n summary           Worker app’n – CIT      Worker – CIT References

Job Descriptions      team-leader-responsibilities


Visiting those unable to attend regular services at Goodwood Baptist Church allows us the opportunity to encourage and support through alternative ways. If you would be interested in having one of our church family visit with you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Beyond our doors is a world that needs the love and assurance that God’s loves applies equally to them. The opportunities that God grants us to come alongside Him in His world and work is both rewarding and humbling. If you are aware of a need that you might suggest we consider supporting, our leadership team would be interested in hearing from you.

Our church supports the following Partners in Mission:

Arms of Jesus

David and Alice Brandon (ABWE)

Chosen People

Colleen Estes (LHNM)


Martin and Tammy Lamb (Ethnos)

David and Brenda Mensah (GRID)

Jennifer Oates (Interserve – Thailand)

Martha Oates (OMF – Taipei)

Bill and Bonita Wilkinson (OMF – Philippines)

Library News

Come see what’s new in our library.  We have books, DVDs, and an entire creation section which demonstrates how science upholds the Bible.

Ministry item:  if you are using a video in the church, you need to see first if it’s covered by our cvli video license.  Click cvli – How do I determine if a movie is covered in Canada to check it out.


Parent Resources & free curriculum: – parent resources, also things for teens and preteens, and for workers. It also has things happening in the culture and of international interest. They have a US preteen event called SuperStart that tours around. ( ) The Sunday School Zone Blog contains insights on children’s spiritual formation as well as tips, ideas, and suggestions to help Christian parents and leaders as they work with kids of all abilities (and even adults with special needs) at home, church, and school.

  • Also free curriculum – preschool and elementary – parenting resources, including for parents of special needs children. Has an app, blog, videos, newsletter, podcast, and ‘resources’ section (articles on various topics/conversation starters to use). – preteen ministry – curriculum and training hosted by kids, for kids. Family devotionals and activities coming soon. It’s an online video series about prayer – the boy host talks about different issues as well, like obeying your parents, Christmas – it always ends with prayer. Short video segments.

Check out the Pastor’s messages